Sri Siva Sahasra Namavali

OM Sri Guruve namah

OM Sri Ganapataye namah

OM Shivaya namah

OM sthiraya namah

OM sthanave namah

OM prabhave namah

OM bhimaya namah

OM pravaraya namah

OM varadaya namah

OM varaya namah

OM sarvatmane namah

OM sarva vikhyataya namah

OM sarvasmai namah 10

OM sarvakaraya namah

OM bhavaya namah

OM jatine namah

OM charmine namah

OM sikhandine namah

OM sarvangaya namah

OM sarva bhavanaya namah

OM haraya namah

OM harinakshaya namah

OM sarva bhuta haraya namah 20

OM prabhave namah

OM pravritaye namah

OM nivrittaye namah

OM niyataya namah

OM sasvataya namah

OM dhruvaya namah

OM smasana vasine namah

OM bhagavate namah

OM khacaraya namah

OM gocharaya namah 30

OM ardanaya namah

OM abhivadyaya namah

OM mahakarmane namah

OM tapasvine namah

OM bhuta bhavanaya namah

OM unmattavesha prachannaya namah

OM sarva loka praja pataye namah

OM maharupaya namah

OM mahakayaya namah

OM vrisharupaya namah 40






Bestower of boons


Self of all beings

The Core of all beings

The All

The Doer of all


The One with matted hair

Clothed in an elephant skin (conquest of egoism)

With a tuft of hair like the crest of a peacock

Who has the entire universe as his limb

Who manifests and maintains all

Withholder who withdraws the universe in deluge

With eyes resembling those of a gazelle

The Destroyer of the created beings

The Enjoyer of all things

Manifestation, whence all actions flow

The Original State, abstention from acts

The Self Controlled

The Eternal

The Unchangeable

Inhabitant of the cremation ground

Owner of six graces (wisdom, renunciation etc.)

The Space dweller, within the heart of all creatures

The Perceiver through the senses

The Punisher (of sinful acts)

Deserves the salutations of all

Of great feats (propelling the universe)

The Ascetic

The Creator of the five elements

The One concealed in the guise of madness

The Lord of all existence

Of immeasurable form

The Cosmic body

Form of the bull (symbol of dharma-righteousness)

OM mahayasase namah

OM mahatmane namah

OM sarvabhutatmane namah

OM visvarupaya namah

OM mahahanave namah

OM loka palaya namah

OM antarhitatmane namah

OM prasadaya namah

OM haya gardabhaye namah

OM pavitraya namah 50

OM mahate namah

OM niyamaya namah

OM niyamasritaya namah

OM sarvakarmane namah

OM svayambhutaya namah

OM adaye namah

OM adikaraya namah

OM nidhaye namah

OM sahasrakshaya namah

OM visalakshaya namah 60

OM somaya namah

OM nakshatra sadhakaya namah

OM chandraya namah

OM suryaya namah

OM sanaye namah

OM katave namah

OM grahaya namah

OM graha pataye namah

OM varaya namah

OM atraye namah 70

OM atrya namaskartre namah

OM mriga banarpanaya namah

OM anaghaya namah

OM mahatapase namah

OM ghoratapase namah

OM adinaya namah

OM dinasadhakaaa namah

OM samvatsarakaraya namah

OM mantraya namah

OM pramanaya namah 80

OM paramaya tapase namah

OM yogine namah

OM yojyaya namah

OM mahabijaya namah

OM maharetase namah

OM mahabalaya namah

OM suvarnaretase namah

OM sarvajnaya namah

Of great fame

The Great-minded

The Soul of all creatures

The universe is Thy form

The great jaws (can swallow the universe)

Protector of all the worlds

Soul residing in the inner heart

Gladness (established in blissful serenity)

Rides on a chariot drawn by mules

The Purifier


Ordinance (purity, self composure, sacred study)

Attained through all kinds of vows

All activities are His


The very First

Creator of all things

The Treasure

The Omni-eyed (sees through the eyes of all)

Universal seer (nothing escapes his ken)

Libations poured in sacrificial fire

Benefactor of the stars

The moon

The sun


Descending node of the moon

Rahu (ascending node)

Mars (most troublesome)

The Worshipful (Brihaspati & Sukra)


Who paid homage to Atri’s wife Anasuya

Who aimed an arrow at the mystically created stag

The Sinless

Possessor of penances with power to create

Possessor of penances with power to destroy

The High, while seemingly humble

Uplifter of the poor

Maker of time

The Mystic Sound

The Evidence (authority for all acts)

Highest penance

Devoted to yoga

Who merges himself in Brahman

Great Seed (being the cause of all causes)

Great Reflection (who reflects himself in nature)

Possessed of Infinite Might

Whose seed is gold

The Omniscient

OM subijaya namah

OM bijavahanaya namah 90

OM dasabahave namah

OM animishaya namah

OM neelakantaya namah

OM umapataye namah

OM visvarupaya namah

OM svayam sreshthaya namah

OM balaviraya namah

OM abaloganaya namah

OM ganakartre namah

OM ganapataye namah 100

OM digvasase namah

OM kamaya namah

OM mantravide namah

OM paramaya mantraya namah: Om namah Sivaya

OM sarva bhava karaya namah

OM haraya namah

OM kamandalu dharaya namah

OM dhanvine namah

OM bana hastaya namah

OM kapalavate namah 110

OM asanaye namah

OM sataghnine namah

OM khadgine namah

OM pattisine namah

OM ayudhine namah

OM mahate namah

OM sruvahastaya namah

OM surupaya namah

OM tejase namah

OM tejaskaraya nidhaye namah 120

OM ushnishine namah

OM suvaktraya namah

OM udagraya namah

OM vinataya namah

OM dirghaya namah

OM harikesaya namah

OM sutirthaya namah

OM krishnaya namah

OM srugalarupaya namah

OM siddarthaya namah 130

OM mundaya namah

OM sarva suban karaya namah

OM ajaya namah

OM bahurupaya namah

OM gandha dharine namah

The Seed of the Universe

The Seed Bearer

The Ten-armed

The Winkless (Siva is every wakeful)

The Blue-throated (who drank the poison)

Spouse of Uma

Cosmic Form

Innately Excellent

The Mighty

The inert group (Sankhya categories)

Creator of the categories

Lord of the categories

Clothed in space

The Lust

Knower of mantras

The Supreme Mantra: Om namah sivaya

Producer of existence

The Attractor (Siva is the magnet)

Holder of the gourd waterpot

The Bowman

The Archer

The Skull Bearer

The Thunderbolt

Armed with the Hundred-killer

The Sword

Wielder of Pattisi the battle axe

With the Trident

The Adorable

Holds the sacrificial ladle in one hand

Of beautiful form

The Energetic

The Source of Effulgence

Wearer of Turban

With handsome face

The Eminent

The Modest

Exceedingly tall

Cognizer of the world (perception through senses)

The holiest Preceptor

The Existence-Knowledge-Bliss

Took the form of a jackal

Achiever of Everything

The Shaven One (mark of a Sannyasin)

The Doer of Good to All

The Unborn

Of many forms

Fragrance Bearer

OM kapardine namah

OM urdhva retase namah

OM urdhva lingaya namah

OM urdhva sayine namah

OM nabhasthalaya namah 140

OM tri jatine namah

OM chiravasase namah

OM rudraya namah

OM senapataye namah

OM vibhave namah

OM ahas charaya namah

OM naktam charaya namah

OM tigmamanyave namah

OM suvarchasaya namah

OM gajaghne namah 150

OM daityaghne namah

OM kalaya namah

OM lokadhatre namah

OM guna karaya namah

OM simha sardoola rupaya namah

OM ardra charma ambaravrtaya namah

OM kala yogine namah

OM maha nadaya namah

OM sarva kamaya namah

OM chatush pathaya namah 160

OM nisa charaya namah

OM preta charine namah

OM bhuta charine namah

OM mahesvaraya namah

OM bahu bhutaya namah

OM bahu dharaya namah

OM svarbhanave namah

OM amitaya namah

OM gataye namah

OM nrtya priyaya namah 170

OM nitya nartaya namah

OM nartakaya namah

OM sarvalalasaya namah

OM ghoraya namah

OM maha tapase namah

OM pasaya namah

OM nityaya namah

OM giri ruhaya namah

OM nabhase namah

OM sahasra hastaya namah 180

OM vijayaya namah

OM vyavasayaya namah

Wearer of knotted hair

Through Brahmacharya makes semen go upward

Distinguished for sexual continence

That lies on His back only

Thy abode is the space

With three matted locks

Bark wearer

Fierce One (purifies through distress)

Celestial Generalissimo

All pervading

Moves in the daytime

Moves at night

Of fierce wrath

Possessed of dazzling effulgence

Slayer of demon in form of elephant

Slayer of oppressors of the universe

Time which is the universal destroyer

Supreme ordainer of the universe

Storehouse of all good qualities

In the form of lion and tiger

Clad in the skin of an elephant

Yogi that transcends time

The original great sound

Fruition of all desires

Who is adored in four ways

Night wanderer

Companion of the dead

Companion of ghostly beings

Supreme Lord of all celestials

Who has become many

Upholder of the many

Primeval ignorance known by the name of Rahu

The Immeasurable

The Goal

Fond of dancing

Eternal Dancer

Causes others to dance

Friend of the universe

The Terrible

Great Ascetic

Binds all creatures with the bond of illusion


Resident of mountain

Vast and taintless as the sky

Possessed of thousand arms


Perseverance which is the cause of success

OM atandritaya namah

OM adharshanaya namah

OM darshanatmane namah

OM yajnaghne namah

OM kamanasakaya namah

OM dakshayagapaharaye namah

OM susahaya namah

OM madhyamaya namah 190

OM tejopaharine namah

OM balaghne namah

OM muditaya namah

OM arthaya namah

OM ajitaya namah

OM avaraya namah

OM gambhira ghoshaya namah

OM gambhiraya namah

OM gambhira bala vahanaya namah

OM nyagrodha rupaya namah 200

OM nyagrodhaya namah

OM vrksha karna sthitaya namah

OM vibhave namah

OM sutikshna dasanaya namah

OM mahakayaya namah

OM mahananaya namah

OM vishvak senaya namah

OM haraye namah

OM yajnaya namah

OM samyuga pida vahanaya namah 210

OM tikshna tapaya namah

OM haryasvaya namah

OM sahayaya namah

OM karma kalavide namah

OM vishnu prasaditaya namah

OM yajnaya namah

OM samudraya namah

OM badavamukhaya namah

OM hutasana sahayaya namah

OM prasantatmane namah 220

OM hutasanaya namah

OM ugra tejase namah

OM mahatejase namah

OM janyaya namah

OM vijaya kala vide namah

OM jyotishamayanaya namah

OM siddhaye namah

OM sarva vigrahaya namah

OM sikhine namah

OM mundine namah 230

Ever active


Terror (to the wrong doer)

Destroyer of sacrifice

Destroyer of Kama, the god of lust

Destroyer of Daksha’s sacrifice

Pleasant endurance


Withholder of splendor

Slayer of vainglorious strength




Unsurpassed in adoration

Who utters deep roars


Excellent companions and vehicle

Form of the World Tree:roots up, branches down

The Banyan Tree

Sleeps on a banyan leaf


With sharp teeth

With form of vast dimensions

Of huge face

Whose approach scattered the enemy forces

Remover of evil


Whose vehicle, the Bull is ensigned on his banner

Fire of intense heat

Possessor of Surya’s green horses


Knower of right time

Propitiated by Vishnu



Heat in the ocean

Wind, the friend of fire



Fierce Splendor

Effulgence spreading over the infinite universe

Skillful in battle

Conversant with the time of victory



Whose body is time, never subject to destruction

Householder, wearing a tuft of hair

Sannyasin with bald head

OM jatine namah

OM jvaline namah

OM murtijaya namah

OM murdhagaya namah

OM baline namah

OM vainavine namah

OM panavine namah

OM taline namah

OM khaline namah

OM kalakatamkataya namah 240

OM nakshatra vigrahamataye namah

OM guna buddhaye namah

OM layaya namah

OM agamaya namah

OM prajapataye namah

OM visvabahave namah

OM vibhagaya namah

OM sarvagayaya namah

OM amukhaya namah

OM vimochanaya namah 250

OM susaranaya namah

OM hiranya kavachodbhavaya namah

OM medhrajaya namah

OM balacharine namah

OM mahi charine namah

OM srutaya namah

OM sarva turya vinodine namah

OM sarva todya parigrahaya namah

OM vyala rupaya namah

OM guha vasine namah 260

OM guhaya namah

OM maline namah

OM tarangavide namah

OM tridasaya namah

OM trikala dhruke namah

OM karma sarva bandha vimochanaya namah

OM asurendranam bandhanaya namah

OM yudhi satru vinasanaya namah

OM sankhya prasadaya namah

OM durvasase namah 270

OM sarva sadhu nishevitaya namah

OM praskandanaya namah

OM vibhagajnaya namah

OM atulyaya namah

OM yajna bhaga vide namah

OM sarva vasaya namah

OM sarvacharine namah

OM durvasase namah

With matted locks

Of fiery rays

Embodied in the heart of every creature

Resident in the head


Holder of the flute

Possessing a drum

Owner of cymbals

Holder of wooden vessel used for husking grains

Who conceals the concealed Yama, Death

Knower of the wheel of time

Embodied soul bound by the modes of nature

Abode of dissolution


Lord of all creatures

With arms extending over the vast universe

Of innumerable forms, all fractions of Thyself

Pervading all things


Deliverer from the bondage of delusion

Easily attainable

Manifested through golden armor

Manifests from the Linga emblem

Wood dweller

Globe trotter


Delights in orchestra

Relative of all creatures

Of the form of the snake

Cave dweller


Adorned with garland of flowers

Knower of waves of sense enjoyment

3 states of birth, sustenance and death

Sustainer of time in its three phases

Frees creatures from the bondage of karma

Shackle of demon kings

Slayer of foes in battle

Attainable by illumination

Reveals Himself as the angry element in nature

Sought by all good men


Distributor of the fruits of karma


Distributor of sacrificial dues to the gods

Resides everywhere

Wanders everywhere


OM vasavaya namah

OM amaraya namah 280

OM haimaya namah

OM hemakaraya namah

OM nishkarmaya namah

OM sarva dharine namah

OM dharottamaya namah

OM lohitakshaya namah

OM mahakshaya namah

OM vijayakshaya namah

OM visaradaya namah

OM sangrahaya namah 290

OM nigrahaya namah

OM kartre namah

OM sarpa chiranivasanaya namah

OM mukhyaya namah

OM amukhyaya namah

OM dehaya namah

OM kahalaye namah

OM sarva kamadaya namah

OM sarva kala prasadaye namah

OM subalaya namah 300

OM bala rupa dhrite namah

OM sarva kama varaya namah

OM sarvadaya namah

OM sarvato mukhaya namah

OM akasa nivirupaya namah

OM nipatine namah

OM avasaya namah

OM khagaya namah

OM raudra rupaya namah

OM amsave namah 310

OM adityaya namah

OM bahurasmaye namah

OM suvarchasine namah

OM vasuvegaya namah

OM mahavegaya namah

OM manovegaya namah

OM nisacharaya namah

OM sarva vasine namah

OM sriyavasine namah

OM upadesakaraya namah 320

OM akaraya namah

OM munaye namah

OM atmaniralokaya namah

OM sambhagnaya namah

OM sahasradaya namah




Maker of gold


Upholder of all

Best of Bearers (bearing the cosmos w/o support)


Whose vision extends over the infinite universe

Owns a victorious chariot

Possessed of vast learning

Guardian of the devotees

Restrainer of the senses


Wears snakes for belt


The lowest of the celestials

Well-proportioned body

Owner of a large drum

Granter of all desires

Kindly at all times

Beneficially almighty

Bearer of great prowess and beauty

Foremost of all coveted things

Giver of all things

Having faces everywhere

Just as space creates all creatures our of himself

Seemingly fallen (into the pit called body)


Resides in the heart, like a bird in the sky

Of terrible form


The Sun

Possessed of innumerable rays

Of dazzling effulgence

Speed of the wind

Possessed of great speed

Possessed of the speed of the mind

Night wanderer

Dweller in all bodies

Dweller in prosperity

Bestower of knowledge

Imparts instruction in utter silence

Observer of silence

Who passes out of the body looking at the soul


Bestower of plenty

OM pakshine namah

OM paksharupaya namah

OM atideeptaya namah

OM visampataye namah

OM unmadaya namah 330

OM madanaya namah

OM kamaya namah

OM asvatthaya namah

OM arthakaraya namah

OM yasase namah

OM vamadevaya namah

OM vamaya namah

OM prache namah

OM dakshinaya namah

OM vamanaya namah 340

OM siddhayogine namah

OM maharshaye namah

OM siddharthaya namah

OM siddha sadhakaya namah

OM bhikshave namah

OM bhikshu rupaya namah

OM vipanaya namah

OM mrdave namah

OM avyayaya namah

OM mahasenaya namah 350

OM visakhaya namah

OM shashtibhagaya namah

OM gavam pataye namah

OM vajrahastaya namah

OM vishkambhine namah

OM chamustambhanaya namah

OM vritta avritta karaya namah

OM talaya namah

OM madhave namah

OM madhuka lochanaya namah 360

OM vachaspataye namah

OM vajasanaya namah

OM nityamasrita pujitaya namah

OM brahmacharine namah

OM lokacharie namah

OM sarvacharine namah

OM vicharavide namah

OM isanaya namah

OM iswaraya namah

OM kalaya namah 370

OM nisacharine namah

OM pinakabhrte namah

Prince of birds, Garuda

Benevolent friend

Extremely brilliant

Lord of all beings

Provokes the appetites

God of love

Loved by all

Pipal Tree (tree of the world)

Lord of treasures

Giver of fame

Distributes to all creatures the fruits of their acts


Most ancient


Vamana, who deceived the asura chief Bali

Yogi, crowned with success

Highly enlightened One

Accomplisher of everything

Bestower of requirements to the siddhas


With the marks of the holy mendicant

Who transcends the usages of the mendicant order

Soft hearted

Without any passions

Celestial generalissimo


Conversant with the 60 heads of inquiry

Propeller of the senses

Armed with the thunderbolt

Infinite support

Stupefier of the enemy force in the field of battle

Chariot warfare specialist

Knows the lowest depth of the world’s ocean

Spring season

Eyes whose color represents that of honey

Family priest

Propagator of a vedic branch known as Vajaseniya

Every worshipped by the constant devotees

Devoted to Brahman

Itinerant mendicant

All-pervading reality

Introvert, conversant with truth

Who knows and guides every heart

Who overspreads the whole universe

Records the acts of people and awards their fruits

Ever awake

Wielding the bow called Pinaka

OM nimittasthaya namah

OM nimittaya namah

OM nandaye namah

OM nandikaraya namah

OM haraye namah

OM nandisvaraya namah

OM nandine namah

OM nandanaya namah 380

OM nandivardhanaya namah

OM bhagaharine namah

OM nihantre namah

OM kalaya namah

OM brahmane namah

OM pitamahaya namah

OM chaturmukhaya namah

OM mahalingaya namah

OM charulingaya namah

OM lingadhyakshaya namah 390

OM suradhyakshaya namah

OM yogadhyakshaya namah

OM yugavahaya namah

OM bijadhyakshaya namah

OM bijakartre namah

OM adhyatmanugataya namah

OM balaya namah

OM itihasaya namah

OM sakalpaya namah

OM gautamaya namah 400

OM nisakaraya namah

OM dambhaya namah

OM adambhaya namah

OM vaidambhaya namah

OM vasyaya namah

OM vasakaraya namah

OM kalaye namah

OM lokakartre namah

OM pasupataye namah

OM mahakartre namah 410

OM anaushadhaya namah

OM aksharaya namah

OM paramaya brahmane namah

OM balavate namah

OM sakraya namah

OM nityai namah

OM anityai namah

OM suddhatmane namah

OM suddhaya namah

OM manyaya namah 420

Resider in the target

Author of prosperity

The happy One

Creator of happiness

Monkey god Hanuman

Lord of Nandi

Thou art Nandi thyself

Promoter of happiness

Who increases the bliss of all

Destroyer of wealth and status

Universal slayer in the form of death

Storehouse of arts

Very great

Grand Sire

Four-faced Brahma

Great symbol adored by deities and demons

Symbol of beautiful features

Symbol that exercises supervision

Presiding over the gods

Lord of yoga

Creator of yugas, cycles of time

Lord of seeds, like nature

Causes nature to manifest itself

Follower of Self-knowledge

Abode of might

In the form of the epics

Rituals prescribed in Mimamsa

Founder of logic, Gautama

In the form of Rishi Chandra Vyakarana

Chastiser of his foes

Whom none can chastise

Self of the humble

Docile to his devotees


Fomenter of strife between good and evil

Creator of the worlds

Protector and Cherisher of all beings

Creator of the five elements

One that eats not


Supreme Brahman, highest form of felicity


Indra, Lord of devas

Chastisement inflicted on offenders

Tyranny in society is His mishandled power




OM gatagataya namah

OM bahu prasadaya namah

OM susvapanaya namah

OM darpanaya namah

OM amitrajite namah

OM vedakaraya namah

OM mantrakaraya namah

OM vidushe namah

OM samara mardanaya namah

OM maha mega nivasine namah 430

OM maha ghoraya namah

OM vasine namah

OM karaya namah

OM agnijvalaya namah

OM maha jvalaya namah

OM atidhumraya namah

OM hutaya namah

OM havishe namah

OM vrushanaya namah

OM sankaraya namah 440

OM nityam varchasvine namah

OM dhumaketanaya namah

OM neelaya namah

OM angalubdhaya namah

OM sobhanaya namah

OM niravagrahaya namah

OM svastidaya namah

OM svastibhavaya namah

OM bhagine namah

OM bhagakaraya namah 450

OM laghave namah

OM utsangaya namah

OM mahangaya namah

OM mahagarbha parayanaya namah

OM krishna varnaya namah

OM suvarnaya namah

OM sarvadehinam indriyaya namah

OM maha padaya namah

OM maha hastaya namah

OM mahakayaya namah 460

OM maha yasase namah

OM maha murdhne namah

OM mahamatraya namah

OM mahanetraya namah

OM nisalayaya namah

OM mahantakaya namah

OM mahakarnaya namah

OM mahoshtaya namah

World that appears and disappears ceaselessly

Immensely auspicious

Good dream

Mirror in which the universer is reflected

Subjugator of all internal and external foes

Maker of the Vedas

Maker of the mantras

Possessed of great learning

Vanquisher of foes in war

Dweller in great clouds

Most terrible

Subjugator of all


Flaming as fire

Whose energy is mightier than fire

All smoke

Gratified by means of sacrificial libations

Objects being offered into sacrifice

Fertilizer (deity distributing fruits of actions)

Doer of good

Always endued with effulgence

Of the form of fire

Of complexion of the emerald



Spontaneous giver of desired objects

Giver of blessings

Form of blessedness

Sharer in sacrifices

Distributor of the shares of the deities

Quick in extending grace


Possessed of mighty limbs

Mighty womb of universe during deluge

Of dark complexion

Of white complexion

Senses of all embodied beings

Possessed of vast feet

Endowed with vast hands

Of vast body

Of universal fame

With a vast head

Of vast measurements

Of penetrating vision

Home of the darkness of ignorance

Dealer of death to Death himself

Whose ears hear everything

All lips are His

OM mahahanave namah

OM maha nasaya namah 470

OM mahakambave namah

OM mahagrivaya namah

OM smasana bhaje namah

OM mahavakshase namah

OM mahoraskaya namah

OM antaratmane namah

OM mrigalayaya namah

OM lambanaya namah

OM lambitoshtaya namah

OM mahamayaya namah 480

OM payonidhaye namah

OM maha dantaya namah

OM maha damshtraya namah

OM maha jihvaya namah

OM maha mukhaya namah

OM maha nakhaya namah

OM maha romaya namah

OM mahakosaya namah

OM maha jataya namah

OM prasannaya namah 490

OM prasadaya namah

OM pratyayaya namah

OM giri sadhanaya namah

OM snehanaya namah

OM asnehanaya namah

OM ajitaya namah

OM mahamunaye namah

OM vrkshakaraya namah

OM vrikshaketave namah

OM analaya namah 500

OM vayu vahanaya namah

OM gandaline namah

OM merudhamne namah

OM devadadhi pataye namah

OM atharvasirshaya namah

OM samasyaya namah

OM Rk. sahasramitekshanaya namah

OM yaju pada bhujaya namah

OM guhyaya namah 510

OM prakasaya namah

OM jangamaya namah

OM amogharthaya namah

OM prasadaya namah

OM abhigamyaya namah

OM sudarsanaya namah

Of mighty cheeks

All noses are His

All consuming throat

Of stalwart neck

Presider over crematories

Of great chest

Of vast bosom

Inner soul which resides in all creatures

Who owns a deer

The tree from whom the universes hang

At dissolution He protrudes his lips to swallow all

Mighty maya

Ocean of milk

With strong teeth

With great jaws

With greedy tongue

Of significant face

Of highly powerful nails

Hair of infinite length

Of vast stomach

With mound-high matted locks

Ever cheerful

Of the form of grace

Of the form of firm conviction

With mountains for his bow

Full of affection

Devoid of affection


Exceedingly devoted to Yoga contemplation

Embodiment of the tree of samsara

Indicated by the tree of the world


Who makes the wind blow

Resider on elevated places

Resident of the mountain Meru

Chief of the celestials

Siva’s head is the Atharvans

Samaveda is his face

Countless Rk mantras for His boundless eyes

Yajus are his feet and arms

Subtle truths are the Upanishads

Rituals are the common parts

Mobile creatures are Siva

Prayer to Siva is ever fruitful


Easily attained

Beautiful to look at

OM upakaraya namah

OM priyaya namah

OM sarvaya namah

OM kanakaya namah

OM kanchanacchavaye namah 520

OM nabhaye namah

OM nandikaraya namah

OM bhavaya namah

OM pushkaraya sthapataye namah

OM sthiraya namah

OM dvadasaya namah

OM trasanaya namah

OM adyaya namah

OM yajnaya namah

OM yajnasmahitaya namah 530

OM naktaya namah

OM kalaye namah

OM kalaya namah

OM makaraya namah

OM kala pujitaya namah

OM saganaya namah

OM ganakaraya namah

OM bhutavahana sarathaye namah

OM bhasma sayaya namah

OM bhasmagoptre namah 540

OM bhasmabhutaya namah

OM tarave namah

OM ganaya namah

OM lokapalaya namah

OM alokaya namah

OM mahatmane namah

OM sarva pujitaya namah

OM suklaya namah

OM trisuklaya namah

OM sampanaya namah 550

OM suchaye namah

OM bhuta nishevitaya namah

OM asramasthaya namah

OM kriyavasthaya namah

OM vishvakarma mataye namah

OM varaya namah

OM visala sakhaya namah

OM tamorshtaya namah

OM ambujalaya namah

OM sunischalaya namah 560

OM kapilaya namah

OM kapisaya namah



The All


Golden hued

Navel of the universe

Augmentor of the fruits of sacrifice

Devotion to sacrifice

Artificer of the universe


Twelfth stage in human life – Moksha

Creator of fear

The First

Unites soul with the Supreme through yoga

Attainable through yoga

Who is unmanifest

Presiding deity of the fourth age, kali yuga

Eternal time

Of the form of the turtoise

Adored by death

Who lives with his devotees

Who adds to the number of of his devotees

Hast Brahma, the creator as charioteer

Who reclines on holy ash

Protector through the holy ash

Formed of ash indicating indestructibility

The tree that grants fruition of all wishes

Of the form of the attendents that are your ganas

Guardian of the worlds

Who transcends the worlds

Great Souled One

Worshipped by all

The Pure

Whose body, speech & mind are perfectly stainless

Complete emancipation

Shining with purity

Worshipped by the ancient preceptors

Resider in the four stages of life

Resider in rituals

Skill of the architect of the universe

In the form of a boon

Of vast arms

Red lipped

Of the form of vast waters contained in oceans

Exceedingly stable and fixed like a mountain

Thou art Kapila

Of brown color

OM suklaya namah

OM ayushe namah

OM paraya namah

OM aparaya namah

OM gandharvaya namah

OM aditaye namah

OM tarkshyaya namah

OM suvijneyaya namah 570

OM susaradaya namah

OM para svadhayudhaya namah

OM devaya namah

OM anukarine namah

OM subandhavaya namah

OM tumba veenaya nama

OM mahakrodhaya namah

OM urdhvaretase namah

OM jalesayaya namah

OM ugraya namah 580

OM vamsakaraya namah

OM vamsaya namah

OM vamsanadaya namah

OM aninditaya namah

OM sarvanga rupaya namah

OM mayavine namah

OM suhrudaya namah

OM anilaya namah

OM analaya namah

OM bandhanaya namah 590

OM bandakartre namah

OM subandhana vimochanaya namah

OM sayajnaraye namah

OM sakamaraye namah

OM mahadamshtraya namah

OM mahayudhaya namah

OM bahudha ninditaya namah

OM sarvaya namah

OM samkaraya namah

OM shankaraya namah 600

OM adhanaya namah

OM amaresaya namah

OM mahadevaya namah

OM visvadevaya namah

OM surarighne namah

OM ahirbudhnyaya namah

OM anilabhaya namah

OM chekitanaya namah

OM havishe namah

OM ajaikapapadaya namah 610

Mixture of all colors producing white

The period of life




Mother of celestials in the form of the earth

Garuda, prince of birds

Known easily

Of excellent and agreeable speech

Armed with battle axe

Desirous of victory

Who helps others to accomplish their purpose

An excellent friend

Bears vina made of two hollow gourds

Of terrible wrath during great deluge

With offspring exceeding the devas

Reposed on water

Consumer of everything with great ferocity

Winner over all

Bearer of flute

Sweet sound of flute


Beautiful in all his limbs

Producer of illusion




Bond of the world that binds the soul

Creator of those bonds

Happy breaker of bondage that is very strong

Dweller with the despoilers of sacrifice

Dweller with yogis

Of large teeth

Of mighty weapons

Defamed in many ways

Stupified the rishis of Daruka forest

Doer of good

Dispelling all fears, giving emancipation

Without wealth

Lord of celestials

Greatest of gods

Adored by Vishnu

Slayer of the foes of the gods

Resides in the netherworld

Imperceptible like the wind

Gifted with sharp intellect


One of the eleven Rudras

OM kapaline namah

OM trishankave namah

OM ajitaya namah

OM Sivaya namah

OM dhanvantaraye namah

OM dhumaketave namah

OM skandaya namah

OM vaisravanaya namah

OM dhatre namah

OM sakraya namah 620

OM vishnave namah

OM mitraya namah

OM tvashtre namah

OM dhruvaya namah

OM dharaya nama

OM prabhavaya namah

OM sarvagaya vayave nama

OM aryamne namah

OM savitre namah

OM ravaye namah 630

OM ushangave namah

OM vidhatre namah

OM mandhatre namah

OM bhutabhavanaya namah

OM vibhave namah

OM varna vibhavine namah

OM sarva kama gunavahaya namah

OM padmanabhaya namah

OM mahagarbhaya namah

OM chandra vaktraya namah 640

OM anilaya namah

OM analaya namah

OM balavate namah

OM upasantaya namah

OM puranaya namah

OM punyachanchave namah

OM aiyay namah

OM kurukartre namah

OM kuru vasine namah

OM kuru bhutaya namah 650

OM gunaushadhaya namah

OM sarvasayaya namah

OM dharbacharine namah

OM sarvesham praninam pataye namah

OM deva devaya namah

OM sukhasaktaya namah

OM sate namah

OM asate namah

Sovereign of the entire universe

The three attributes of nature


State of pure existence

Great physician


Celestial generalissimo called also Subramanya

Lord of wealth, Kubera

Creator Brahma

Devendra, king of gods

Vishnu, all-pervading one

The sun

The celestial artificer, Tashtri

Pole star



All-permeating wind

Bosom frined, Sun god Aryaman

Creator of everything


One with scorching rays


Protector of jivas

He from whom all creatures start into life


Creator of color and castes

Who upholds all desires and attributes

Lotus navelled

Womb of the universe

With face as beautiful as the moon

Self-reliant, wind

Whose power is ever on the increase, fire

Possessed of exceeding might

Endued with tranquility of soul


Who is recognized through right conduct


Creator of the field of action

Dweller in the field of action

Soul of the field of action

Nurturer of virtues

Resting place of all beings

Accepts sacrificial offerings of dharba grass

Lord of all beings endued with life breaths

God of gods

Unattached to pleasures

Reality, the cause

Phenomenal reality, the effect

OM sarva ratna vide namah

OM kailasa giri vasine namah 660

OM himavat giri samsrayaya namah

OM koolaharine namah

OM koolakartre namah

OM bahuvidyaya namah

OM bahupradaya namah

OM vanijaya namah

OM vardhakine namahh

OM vrkshaya namah

OM vakulaya namah

OM chandanaya namah 670

OM chadaya namah

OM saragreevaya namah

OM maha jatrave namah

OM alolaya namah

OM maushadhaya namah

OM siddharthakarine namah

OM siddhartha chando vyakaranottaraya namah

OM simhanadaya namah

OM simhadamstraya namah

OM simhagaya namah 680

OM simhavahanaya namah

OM prabhavatmane namah

OM jagat kala sthalaya namah

OM lokahitaya namah

OM tarave namah

OM sarangaya namah

OM nava chakrangaya namah

OM ketumaline namah

OM sabhavanaya namah

OM bhutalaya namah 690

OM bhutapataye namah

OM ahoratraya namah

OM aninditaya namah

OM sarvabhutanam vahitre namah

OM nilayaya namah

OM vibhave namah

OM bhavaya namah

OM amoghaya namah

OM samyataya namah

OM asvaya namah 700

OM bhojanaya nama

OM prana dharanaya namah

OM dhritimate namah

OM matimate namah

OM dakshaya namah

Owner of all earthly wealth

Who resides on mount Kailasa

Native of the Himalayas

River banks breaker

Maker of lakes


Giver of infinite blessings




Tree called Vakula

Sandalwood tree

Seven leaves tree

Whose neck is very strong

Possessed of mighty collar bones

Imbued with steadiness

Manifests as food grains

Granter of success to devotees’ undertakings

Adept in scripture lore

Who utters leonine roars

Endued with leonine fangs

Who rides on a lion

Whose vehicle is a lion

Truth of truth

Consumer of death

Benefactor of the world

Who rescues all creatures from distress

Bird called Saranga

New swan

Beautified with a crest on Your head

Head of a council

Abode of all creatures

Cherisher of all creatures

Day and night

Without fault

Upholder of all creatures

Refuge of all creatures

Without birth

Coming into existence


Endowed with complete concentration


Giver of food

Protector of life breath

Imbued with fortitude

Highly intelligent


OM satkritaya namah

OM yugadhipaya namah

OM gopalaya namah

OM gopataye namah

OM gramaya namah 710

OM gocharma vasanaya namah

OM haraye namah

OM hiranya bahave namah

OM pravesinam guhapalaya namah

OM prakristharaye namah

OM mahaharshaya namah

OM jitakamaya namah

OM jitendriyaya namah

OM gandharaya namah

OM suvasaya namah 720

OM tapassaktaya namah

OM rataye namah

OM naraya namah

OM maha gitaya namah

OM maha nrtyaya namah

OM apsarogana sevitaya namah

OM maha ketave namah

OM mahadhatre namah

OM naikasanucharaya namah

OM chalaya namah 730

OM avedaneeyaya namah

OM aadesaya namah

OM sarva gandha sukha avahaya namah

OM toranaya namah

OM taranaya namah

OM vataya namah

OM paridhine namah

OM patikhecharaya namah

OM samyogaya vardhanaya namah

OM vrddhaya namah 740

OM ativrddhaya namah

OM gunadhikaya namah

OM nityamatma sahayaya namah

OM devasurapataye namah

OM patye namah

OM yuktaya namah

OM yuktabhahave namah

OM divi suparvano devaya namah

OM aashadhaya namah

OM sushadhaya namah 750

OM dhruvaya namah

OM harinaya namah

Honored by all

Dispenser of the fruitf of action

Protector of the senses

Lord of the luminaries

Group of people

Whose vestments are made of cowhides

Dispels the grief of his devotees

Owns beautiful arms

Protector of the body of the yogi in samadhi

Vanquisher of inner foes like lust and greed

One dwelling in ecstasy

Subduer of dhe irresistable deity of desire

Subjugator of the senses

Musical note

Who has an excellent and beautiful home

Immersed in penance

Of the form of cheerfulness and contentment

The Infinite

Ardent lover of music

Delighter in dance

Adored by bands of Apsaras, heavenly nymphs

Owns a distinguished banner

Mount Meru

Roves among the summits of many mountains

Too mobile to be caught

Cognizable with the aid of a cometent guru

Of the form of that instruction which guru imparts

Producer of the pleasure caused by fragrances

Decorated doorway

Help over any difficulty


Protecting enclosure

Prince of all winged creatures

Multiplies creation by union with opposite sexes


Very old

Who excels in character

Eternal help of the embodied souls

Lord of the divine and demonic

Ruler of all

United with all

With arms every ready for action

Lord of Indra in heaven

Provides devotees with power of endurance

Equipped with forbearance


Pure white

OM haraya namah

OM aavartamanebhyo vapushe namah

OM vasu sreshthaya namah

OM mahapathaya namah

OM shiroharine vimarshaya namah

OM sarva lakshana lakshitaya namah

OM akshaya rathayogine namah

OM sarva yogine namah 760

OM mahabalaya namah

OM samamnayaya namah

OM asamamnayaya namah

OM tirthadevaya namah

OM maharathaya namah

OM nirjivaya namah

OM jivanaya namah

OM mantraya namah

OM subhakshaya namah

OM bahukarkasaya namah 770

OM ratnaprabhutaya namah

OM raktangaya namah

OM mahanarva nipanavide namah

OM moolaya namah

OM visalaya namah

OM amrutaya namah

OM vyaktavyaktaya namah

OM taponidhaye namah

OM aarohanaya namah

OM adhirohaya namah 780

OM seeladharine namah

OM mahayasase namah

OM senakalpaya namah

OM mahakalpaya namah

OM yogaya namah

OM yugakaraya namah

OM haraye namah

OM yuga rupaya namah

OM maharupaya namah

OM mahanaga hanaya namah 790

OM vadaya namah

OM nyaya nirvapanaya namah

OM padaya namah

OM panditaya namah

OM achalopamaya namah

OM bahumalaya namah

OM mahamalaya namah

OM sasine hara sulocanaya namah

OM vistaraya lavanaya kupaya namah

OM triyugaya namah 800

Destroyer of misery

Provider of bodies to the birth ridden

More valuable than wealth

Great path

Clipped off Brahma’s head after due deliberation

Endowed with a classical body

Axle of the chariot

Linked with all

Endued with great might


Transcends the vedas

Illustrious deity of sacred places

The earth is Your car

Inert elements housing within each creature

Imparter of life into these inert elements

Pranava (Aum) and other sacred mantras

Of gracious glance

Stern disciplinarian

Of many gem-like qualities


Vast oceans are your drinking cups

Root cause of the tree of the world


Of the form of ambrosia

Cause and effect

Excellent treasure of austerity

Staircase to the highest state of existence

One seated in godhood

Possessor of virtue

Abode of fame

Animator of the army

Mightily competent

Seat of yoga

Embodiment of time measured by yugas


The time factor

Imperceptibly formless

Slayer of demon in elephant form


Distributor according to desert




Myriad manifestations

Profusely garlanded

Possessing eyes as beautiful as the moon

Vast oceans are His watertanks

First three yugas

OM saphalodayaya namah

OM trilochanaya namah

OM vishannangaya namah

OM manividdhaya namah

OM jatadharaya namah

OM bindave namah

OM visargaya namah

OM sumukhaya namah

OM saraya namah

OM sarvayudhaya namah 810

OM sahaya namah

OM nivedanaya namah

OM sukhajataya namah

OM sugandharaya namah

OM mahadhanushe namah

OM gandhapaline bhagavate namah

OM sarvakarmanam uttanaya namah

OM manthanaya bahula vayave namah

OM sakalaya namah

OM sarva lochanaya namah 820

OM talastalaya namah

OM karastaline namah

OM urdhvasamhananaya namah

OM mahate namah

OM chattraya namah

OM suchattraya namah

OM vikhyata lokaya namah

OM sarvasrayaya kramaya namah

OM mundaya namah

OM virupaya namah 830

OM vikrutaya namah

OM dandine namah

OM kundine namah

OM vikurvanaya namah

OM haryakshaya namah

OM kakubhaya namah

OM vajrine namah

OM satajihvaya namah

OM sahasrapade namah

OM sahasra murdhne namah 840

OM devendraya sarva deva mayaya namah

OM gurave namah

OM sahasrabahahe namah

OM sarvangaya namah

OM saranyaya namah

OM sarva lokakrte namah

OM pavitraya namah

OM trikakude mantraya namah

Whose appearance is fraught with advantage

Three eyed

Whose forms are exceedingly subtle

Whose ears are bored for wearing kundala earrings

Bearer of matted locks

The dot representing the nasal sound

2 dots, indicating sound of aspirated H in Sanskrit

Pleasant faced


Armed with all weapons

Of calm endurance


The bliss following the cessation of the mind

Fine music

Armed with the mighty bow called Pinaka

Preserver of perfumes

From whom all acts flow

Wind arising at universal dissolution churning all

He that is full

He that sees all things

Sound of clapping one palm against the other

Whose palm serves as his eating plate

Of robust body

Exceedingly great personality


With a good umbrella

Well known to be identical with all creatures


With shaven head



Bearing a stick (symbol of Sannyas)

With a pot

Unattainable through acts

Identical with the green eyed king of beasts, lion

Of the form of points of the compass

Wielder of the thunderbolt

Who has a hundred tongues

Thousand feet

Thousand heads

He that is made up of all the gods

The teacher

Of a thousand arms

Who attains the fruition of every wish

Giver of shelter

Creator of all the worlds


Mantra with three components

OM kanishthaya namah

OM krishna pingalaya namah 850

OM brahmadanda vinirmatre namah

OM sataghni pasa saktimate namah

OM padmagarbhaya namah

OM mahagarbhaya namah

OM brahmagarbhaya namah

OM jalotbhavaya namah

OM gabhastaye namah

OM brahmakrte namah

OM brahmine namah

OM brahmavide namah 860

OM brahmanaya namah

OM gataye namah

OM ananta rupaya namah

OM naikatmane namah

OM svayambhuva tigmatejase namah

OM urdhvagatmane namah

OM pasupataye namah

OM vataramhaya namah

OM manojavaya namah

OM chandanine namah 870

OM padmamalagraya namah

OM surabhyuttaranaya namah

OM naraya namah

OM karnikara mahasrgvine namah

OM nilamaulaye namah

OM pinakadhrte namah

OM umapataye namah

OM umakantaya namah

OM jahnaveedhrite namah

OM umadhavaya namah 880

OM varaya varahaya namah

OM varadaya namah

OM varenyaya namah

OM sumahasvanaya namah

OM mahaprasadaya namah

OM damanaya namah

OM satrughne namah

OM svedapingalaya namah

OM preetatmane namah

OM paramatmane namah 890

OM prayatatmane namah

OM pradhanadhrute namah

OM sarvaparsva mukhaya namah

OM tryakshaya namah

OM dharmasadharana varaya namah

Youngest son (of Aditi and Kasyapa)

Black and red (Ardhanarishwara)

Maker of the rod of Brahma

Armed with the hundred-killer

Took birth within the primeval lotus

Endued with a vast womb that contains all

Who has the Vedas in His womb

Origin of life from water after universal dissolution

Endowed with rays of effulgent light

Creator of Vedas

Reciter of Vedas

Knower of Vedas

Devoted to Brahman

The goal

Of infinite forms

Bearer of innumerable bodies

Brahma was overwhelmed by Siva

Transcendent reality

Lord of jivas

Swift as the wind

Possessed of the fleetness of mind

Besmeared with sandal paste

The end of the stalk of the primeval lotus

Degrader of the celestial cow Surabhi

Desireless One

Adorned with a garland of karnikara flowers

Adorned with a diadem of blue gems

Wielder of the Pinaka bow

Lord of Uma (the knowledge treating of Brahman)

Sought after by Uma

Who bearest the Ganga on Thy head

Husband of Uma

Mighty boar

Bestower of boon

Compentent to offer boons

Of melodiuos voice

Of incomparable grace

Subjugator of the wicked

Destroyer of desire and other internal foes

White and red colored (half male, half female)

Gold colored

Supreme Atman

Pure minded

Foundation of the phenomenal world

Whose faces are turned in every direction

Who has three eyes

Whose righteousness is superior to all creatures

OM characharatmane namah

OM sukshmatmane namah

OM amrtaya govrushesvaraya namah

OM sadhyarshaye namah

OM vasuradityaya namah 900

OM vivasvate savitamritaya namah

OM vyasaya namah

OM sargaya susamkshepaya vistaraya namah

OM paryayo naraya namah

OM ritave namah

OM samvatsaraya namah

OM masaya namah

OM pakshaya namah

OM samkhya samapanaya namah

OM kalabhyo namah 910

OM kashtabhyo namah

OM lavebhyo namah

OM matrabhyo namah

OM muhoortahah kshapabhyo namah

OM kshanebhyo namah

OM visvakshetraaya namah

OM prajabeejaya namah

OM lingaya namah

OM adyaya nirgamaya namah

OM sate namah 920

OM asate namah

OM vyaktaya namah

OM avyaktaya namah

OM pitre namah

OM matre namah

OM pitamahaya namah

OM svargadvaraya namah

OM prajadvaraya namah

OM mokshadvaraya namah

OM trivishtapaya namah 930

OM nirvanaya namah

OM hladanaya namah

OM brahmalokaya namah

OM parayai gatyai namah

OM devasura vinirmatre namah

OM devasura parayanaya namah

OM devasura gurave namah

OM devaya namah

OM devasura namaskrtaya namah

OM devasura mahamatraya namah 940

OM devasura ganasrayaya namah

OM devasura ganadhyakshaya namah

Soul of the moving and non-moving

The subtle Self

Giver of liberation to the desireless doer of good

Preceptor of the sadhyas, the god of gods

Vasu, the son of Aditi

Rays of the sun that brings immortality

Vyasa, Author of Mahabharata & Puranas

Maker of brief and lengthy literature

Sum total of jivas





New moon and full moon

Division of time

Minute part of time

Indictaion of small time

Further small division of time

Manifestation of Muhurta, day & night


Soil upon which the tree of the universe grows

Seed of all creatures

The Mahat tattwa

First sprout of the universe


Relative reality

Manifest (being seizable by the senses)

Unmanifest to the senses




Door to heaven

Door to the wheel of birth

Doorway to liberation

Dharma leading to heaven

Annihilation of separate existence

Promoter of delight

Region of Truth

Transcendent goal

Creator of gods and demons

Refuge of gods and demons

Preceptor of gods and demons

Sport, delight

Adored by gods and demons

Superior to gods and demons

Attained by gods and demons

Chief of gods and demons

OM devasura ganagrnyai namah

OM devadi devaya namah

OM devarshaye namah

OM devasura varapradaya namah

OM devasuresvaraya namah

OM visvaya namah

OM devasuramahesvaraya namah

OM sarvadevamayaya namah 950

OM achintyaya namah

OM devatatmane namah

OM aatmasambavaya namah

OM udbhide namah

OM trivikramaya namah

OM vaidyaya namah

OM virajaya namah

OM neerajaya namah

OM amaraya namah

OM eedyaya namah 960

OM hasteesvaraya namah

OM vyaghraya namah

OM devasimhaya namah

OM nararishabhaya namah

OM vibhudhaya namah

OM agravaraya namah

OM sookshmaya namah

OM sarvadevaya namah

OM tapomayaya namah

OM suyuktaya namah 970

OM sobhanaya namah

OM vajrine namah

OM prasanam prabhavaya namah

OM avyayaya namah

OM guhaya namah

OM kantaya namah

OM nijaya sargaya namah

OM pavitraya namah

OM sarvapavanaya namah

OM srngine namah 980

OM srngapriyaya namah

OM babhruve namah

OM rajarajaya namah

OM niramayaya namah

OM abhiramaya namah

OM suraganaya namah

OM viramaya namah

OM sarvasadhanaya namah

OM lalatakshaya namah

OM visvadevaya namah 990

Leader in battle of both gods and demons

Transcends the senses

Of the form of celestial rishis like Narada

Granter of boons to gods and demons

Rules the heart of gods and demons

Into whom the universe enters when dissolved

Supreme lord over gods and demons

Whose body is made up of all the deities

Transcends thought

Inner soul of the gods

Self existent

Sprout breaking open ignorance

Covers 3 worlds with 3 steps, Vamana

Possessed of great learning


Devoid of passion



Master of irresistable elephant represented by time

Lord of tiger

Lion among gods

Foremost of men

Sharp intellect

First to be honored in sacrifice

Not easily cognizable

Sum total of all deities

In whom austerities predominate

Always in excellent yoga


Armed with the thunderbolt

Origin of weapons

Attainable through one pointed devotion

Hidden One

Bliss unbounded

Identical with thy creation

Protector from death

Purifier of all

Of the form of bulls & other horned animals

Fond of mountain summits

Planet Saturn

Kubera, chief of yakshas

Free from blemish

Inspirer of gladness

All celestials united together

Extreme quiescence

Consumation of all rituals

With an eye on the forehead

Sports with the universe

OM harinaya namah

OM brahmavarchasaya namah

OM sthavaranam pataye namah

OM niyamendriya vardhanaya namah

OM siddharthaya namah

OM siddhabhutarthaya namah

OM achintyaya namah

OM satya vrataya namah

OM suchaye namah

OM vratadhipaya namah 1000

OM parasmai namah

OM brahmane namah

OM bhaktanam paramayai gataye namah

OM vimuktaya namah

OM mukthatejase namah

OM srimate namah

OM srivardhanaya namah

OM jagate namah 1008

OM Sarvaya Devaya namah

OM Bhavaya Devaya namah

OM Rudraya Devaya namah

OM Ugraya Devaya namah

OM Bheemaya Devaya namah

OM Pasupataye Devaya namah

OM Isanaya Devaya namah

OM Mahate Devaya namah

Form of the deer

Spiritual brilliance

Lord of all immobile things

Conqueror of the senses

Whose objects have all been fulfilled

Identical with emancipation


Truth is His penance

Of pure heart

Presides over all vows and fasts

Highest Being

Brahman who transcends time & space

Highest refuge of your devotees

Transcends all bonds

Freed from the subtle body

Endowed with every king of prosperity

Bestower of spiritual wealth on your devotees

Entire cosmos

God in form of earth

God in form of water

God in form of fire

God in form of wind

God in form of ether

God in form of soul

God in form of sun

God in form of moon


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